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Conference Life

Members of the Society traditionally gather in communities called “Conferences” which meet weekly, or at least twice a month. This is to affirm the importance of the spiritual and social dimensions of Vincentians coming together as a community of faith and love, prayer and action.  Rule: Part III, Statute 5

Successful Conferences:

  • Take initiative and try new things

  • Have working ties in the neighborhood and community

  • Participate in their District and Diocesan Councils

  • Do not hoard for a rainy day but rather trust God’s providence!

Conference & Member Resources

Membership Information

Vincentian Pathway Toolbox

Spiritual Resources:

Vincentian Reflections

Vincentian Prayers

Local Trainings:

Diocese of Sacramento

Safe Environment / Safe Haven Training for volunteers

Materials & Resources:

Eyedentity Program Catalog (for ordering SVdP logo wear, banners, business cards, and much more)

Famvin The Vincentian Family Information Network


Local Nonprofits:

Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services

Catholic Charities of Yolo-Solano

Northern Valley Catholic Social Service

Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano


SVdP National/Global:

International Society of St. Vincent de Paul

National Council of the USA Society of St. Vincent de Paul

West Region SVdP 

SVdP National/Global Programs:

Disaster Services Corporation

IMMERSION Reentry Program

Voice for the Poor - New Page Coming Soon

In Memoriam​

As a faith community, we honor and remember our deceased Vincentians, as being among our communion of saints.  We include them in our prayers and services throughout the year, but especially on November 2 (All Souls Day) and throughout the month of November.

Conference presidents are responsible to inform the Council of the deaths of members and associates and to assure that conference records, including the Memorial Roll, are updated. Conference presidents should coordinate with the conference spiritual advisor to provide appropriate comfort the family during times of loss.

Memorial Gifts & Estate Planning

If friends and family wish to remember someone through a Memorial Gift, such a gift may be made to the local conference or the Council.  Please consider St. Vincent de Paul in your estate planning. Thank you.


Memorial Gifts or Tribute Gifts

Honoring a loved one, whether living or deceased, through a charitable gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a particularly meaningful act of paying tribute to someone. It also assures that worthwhile values continue to enhance the world around us. Memorial and tribute gifts allow you to thoughtfully remember family members, friends and others who have been a vital part of your life. 

There are memorial gifts for every occasion, such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthdays, baptisms, confirmations, Christmas, marriages, funerals or special acknowledgments. Consider the possibilities of gifts of cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds or an estate. 

Print a donation form (PDF) to fill out and and send to: St. Vincent de Paul Sacramento Council P.O. Box 162487, Sacramento, CA 95816-2487


Planned Giving - Estate Planning 

Making a planned gift to the Sacramento Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul can help us further the Society’s mission. Planned giving is an opportunity for you to leave a legacy while getting favorable tax benefits during your lifetime or toward your estate. Please consult with your legal or tax professional if you are considering a planned gift to St. Vincent de Paul.

Grants for Districts & Conferences (PDF). -  New Form Coming Soon


Conference Life

Members of the Society traditionally gather in communities called “Conferences” which meet weekly, or at least twice a month. This is to affirm the importance of the spiritual and social dimensions of Vincentians coming together as a community of faith and love, prayer and action.  Rule: Part III, Statute 5

Successful Conferences:

  • Take initiative and try new things

  • Have working ties in the neighborhood and community

  • Participate in their District and Diocesan Councils

  • Do not hoard for a rainy day but rather trust God’s providence!

Conference & Member Resources

Membership Information

Vincentian Pathway Toolbox

Spiritual Resources:

Vincentian Reflections

Vincentian Prayers

Local Trainings:

Diocese of Sacramento

Safe Environment / Safe Haven Training for volunteers

Materials & Resources:

Eyedentity Program Catalog (for ordering SVdP logo wear, banners, business cards, and much more)

Famvin The Vincentian Family Information Network


Local Nonprofits:

Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services

Catholic Charities of Yolo-Solano

Northern Valley Catholic Social Service

Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano


SVdP National/Global:

International Society of St. Vincent de Paul

National Council of the USA Society of St. Vincent de Paul

West Region SVdP 

SVdP National/Global Programs:

Disaster Services Corporation

IMMERSION Reentry Program

Voice for the Poor - NEW PAGE COMING SOON

In Memoriam​

As a faith community, we honor and remember our deceased Vincentians, as being among our communion of saints.  We include them in our prayers and services throughout the year, but especially on November 2 (All Souls Day) and throughout the month of November.

Conference presidents are responsible to inform the Council of the deaths of members and associates and to assure that conference records, including the Memorial Roll, are updated. Conference presidents should coordinate with the conference spiritual advisor to provide appropriate comfort the family during times of loss.


If friends and family wish to remember someone through a Memorial Gift, such a gift may be made to the local conference or the Council.  Please consider St. Vincent de Paul in your estate planning. Thank you.



Honoring a loved one, whether living or deceased, through a charitable gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a particularly meaningful act of paying tribute to someone. It also assures that worthwhile values continue to enhance the world around us. Memorial and tribute gifts allow you to thoughtfully remember family members, friends and others who have been a vital part of your life. 

There are memorial gifts for every occasion, such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthdays, baptisms, confirmations, Christmas, marriages, funerals or special acknowledgments. Consider the possibilities of gifts of cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds or an estate. 

Print a donation form (PDF) to fill out and and send to: St. Vincent de Paul Sacramento Council P.O. Box 162487, Sacramento, CA 95816-2487



Making a planned gift to the Sacramento Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul can help us further the Society’s mission. Planned giving is an opportunity for you to leave a legacy while getting favorable tax benefits during your lifetime or toward your estate. Please consult with your legal or tax professional if you are considering a planned gift to St. Vincent de Paul.

Grants for Districts & Conferences (PDF)

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P.O. Box 162487
Sacramento, CA 95816-2487



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Sacramento Diocesan Council Society of St. Vincent de Paul Non-Discrimination Policy

Sacramento Diocesan Council Society of St. Vincent de Paul does not discriminate in its charitable services based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, marital status, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, medical condition, ancestry, or any other consideration proscribed by state or federal law. We welcome and serve clients regardless of distinction and look to provide caring, compassionate assistance to all those in need

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